
Our team
& partners


James van Smeerdijk

Managing director

James uses his experience and his network of relationships to help clients in business and government navigate complex strategy and policy issues through sensitive stakeholder environments. His clients have included the Commonwealth Government, all State and Territory Governments, statutory authorities, major corporations, universities, NGOs and international agencies. He has more than three decades of experience across a wide range of sectors including work on economic and urban development, social policy, resources and environment.

Over the last dozen years, he has led a range of thought leadership projects providing new perspectives on issues including polycentric cities, urban water reform, infrastructure investment, early childhood, heatwaves, the social purpose market, obesity, domestic violence, health and aged care reform and musculo-skeletal health. This has also led a range of Indigenous thought leadership projects including on Indigenous incarceration, business, employment, and eye health.

James has led and advised on a number of start-ups including technology, consulting and social purpose enterprises.

He was previously a Partner at PwC Australia for a decade. Roles included leading PwC’s Victorian Government practice and the Melbourne Economics & Policy team. He also led PwC’s first two Reconciliation Action Plans and the development of PwC’s Indigenous Consulting, an innovative majority Indigenous owned, led and staffed consulting business.

Other roles have included CEO of the Allen Consulting Group, Senior Fellow at the Melbourne Business School lecturing in the MBA program, and Executive Officer in the Victorian Treasury.

B.Sc. (Hons) MBA University of Melbourne
Board Member, Heide Museum of Modern Art
Board member, Venso Labs, a technology start up company
Fellow, Institute of Public Administration, Victoria
Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors
Williamson Fellow


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Travis Ahearn



Travis is a Director of atticusnow and former director in PwC’s Economics and Policy group, based in Melbourne.  He has extensive experience in regulatory impact analysis, legislative and program review, economic policy advice, and public budgeting. In addition to private consulting, Travis has held various roles with the Commonwealth, New South Wales and Victorian governments.


  • Government & Public Affairs

  • Regulatory Impact Assessment

  • Economic Impact Assessment 

  • Policy advice

  • Legislative and Program Review

  • Business Consulting


Regulatory impact assessment

Travis has assessed the economic and social impact of primary and subordinate legislation using a variety of methodologies in accordance with best practice guidelines. 

Travis has prepared Regulatory Impact Statements in relation to occupational health and safety, risk-based liquor licensing fees, probate, parole, conveyancing, energy efficiency, bushfire protection standards, and Aboriginal cultural heritage for the Victorian Government; national occupational licensing, precursors to home-made explosives, biosecurity and radiation safety for the Commonwealth Government; and children’s services, and business identifiers for the NSW Government

Economic impact assessment and policy advice

Travis has provided economic policy analysis and advice in a range of areas, for example in relation to:

  • Options to reform Australia’s taxation system and Commonwealth-State financial relations

  • A framework governing outputs and outcomes for DIIRD

  • The long term implications of Commonwealth reforms to workers compensation, and ways to minimise the incentives for employers to exit 

  • Economic/social impact of the not-for-profit sector

  • The economic contribution of eBay to the Australian economy

Cost estimation and cost recovery

Travis has assisted the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission with a number of its inquiries by establishing ‘baseline’ total cost estimates and identifying areas for reform in relation to environmental, planning and building regulation in Victoria. To do so, Travis developed a methodology for estimating the cost of regulatory delays.

Travis has also undertaken a range of cost recovery reviews, for example of the outputs of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry.

Legislative and program review

Travis has undertaken a variety of legislative and program reviews, with a focus on effectiveness and efficiency, including reviews of: 

  • The regulatory framework governing urban water quality in Australia

  • Occupational licensing schemes for real estate agents, travel agents, introduction agents, conveyancers, motor car traders, credit providers 

  • Legislation governing consumer contracts in NSW

  • Legislative controls over pseudoephedrine throughout the supply chain

  • Legislation restricting the legal work that conveyancers can undertake

  • A program and regulations to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage

  • Best practice ‘joined up’ governance arrangements for indigenous affairs.


Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne

Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management, Macquarie University


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Belinda Harries



Belinda is a seasoned Australian education strategy and policy expert, having spent many years in senior roles within the Commonwealth and Victorian state governments. Qualified in economics, Belinda is a dynamic thinker willing to embrace and develop outside-the-box opportunities. She has combined her government career with ventures including founding a development think-tank in Vanuatu as well as an ed-tech startup focussed on student learning data for school teachers.


Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), University of Sydney

Masters of Public Policy, Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies (Tokyo, Japan)


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Sharon Kennard



Sharon joined atticusnow as a manager. She brings a depth of experience in regulatory analysis, program review and cost-benefit analysis. Sharon was formerly an Associate Director at PWC, Senior Manager at the Allen Consulting Group and Regulatory advisor at the Australian Information Industry Association.


Regulatory and policy advice

Sharon was the key policy and regulatory advisor to the AIIA focusing on environment and waste policies. As a consultant she managed numerous Regulation Impact Statements and cost benefit analysis studies including For the Commonwealth Government:

  • Regulatory analysis for the proposed National occupational licensing scheme. 

  • Mandatory disclosure of Energy Efficiency for residential properties .

  • Mandatory disclosure of Energy Efficiency for commercial properties

  • National Construction Code 

  • National Waste Strategy

  • The extension of the National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM)

Sharon managed for Victorian Government Regulation Impact Statements for the following regulatory and legislative proposals.

  • Exemption of Parole Boards from Human Rights Charter (for the Department of Justice)

  • Petroleum Act and Regulations 2010 (for the Department of Primary Industries)

Strategic advice and analysis

Advice to the National Plumbing Regulators Forum on the future of the Watermark scheme 

  • Advice to the Victorian government on opportunities for the building and construction sector as a result of climate change mitigation and adaptation policies 

  • Development of an evaluation framework for the Australian Government for the comparison of options emerging from the National Human Rights Consultation

  • Development of an impact analysis framework for the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC)

  • Development of a framework for measuring the benefits of planning reform (for all planning Ministers).

  • The business case for a National Construction Code.


Bachelor of Economics, Australian National University

Bachelor of Arts (Political Science), Australian National University



Jasper Potter

manager & visual consultant


Jasper has worked in collaboration and co-design for the past four years, and is a specialist in supporting interactive workshops with visual communication.

Jasper has experience in delivering workshops and visual communications projects across a range of sectors for a range of clients including PwC, KPMG and Telstra.


Bachelor of Fine Arts, RMIT



Jonah Lilley



Jonah joined atticusnow as a graduate recruit and has worked on number of consulting projects including a commercialisation strategy project for a major university, fast track reviews on opportunities for regulatory reform within Victoria with the Department of Treasury and Finance, work on an Economic development strategy for the City of Melbourne, advice for businesses impacted by COVID-19, and an analysis and review of internal decision-making processes for an overseas telecommunications client.

Within these projects Jonah has been responsible for undertaking comparative analysis of regulatory frameworks and methodologies, liaising regularly with clients, as well as preparing and presenting reports and advice.


Bachelor of Commerce, University of Melbourne


Stefan Anjou



Stefan has worked as a consultant for over three years advising government, corporate and non–profit clients on policy and regulatory issues, in addition to tackling complex operational challenges.

He has experience across a broad range of sectors and his clients have included large renewable energy proponents and multinational manufacturing companies in the corporate environment, First Nations and community controlled organisations, peak industry bodies and government agencies, at both federal and state levels. 

Stefan has a strong record with achieving results and his outputs include delivering government engagement strategies, organisational reviews, stakeholder analysis, policy advocacy/support, grant management, Board support and ongoing trusted adviser support.


  • Strategy and policy analysis

  • Project management

  • Research

  • Report writing

  • Stakeholder engagement and government relations


  • First Nations organisations – led and delivered organisational reviews and operational projects, working closely with First Nations leaders to identify and deliver recommendations for immediate and long term organisational improvement

  • Large corporate manufacturing companies – provision of government relations and policy support and advice on current and emerging issues to manage and deliver robust government engagement strategies

  • Government agencies – provision of ongoing stakeholder management support and policy advice. Delivered research and engagement strategies with respect to industry and government stakeholders in preparation for future activities


Executive Master of Arts, University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Arts (History and Philosophy), University of Melbourne

Diploma in Languages (French), University of Melbourne

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Cyrus Potter

senior Associate


Cyrus joined atticusnow as a graduate recruit in 2019 and has worked on many consulting projects since, including strategic reviews for local and state governments, universities, and others, as well as program evaluations, codesign workshops, and other advisory projects for a range of public and private sector clients.

Cyrus has worked primarily in a project management and client liaison role, as well as drafting, analysis, research, codesign workshop support, and stakeholder consultation.


Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne

Master of Public Policy, Sydney University (ongoing)



Grace Fradgley



Grace joined atticusnow in February and has been involved in research and analysis on various  projects and proposals. Grace has conducted project support on several projects at atticusnow including:

  • University of Melbourne, Research Strategy – researched funding trends and conducted data analysis.

  • Geoscience Australia, RDMD Engagement Report organised stakeholder consultations, transcribed workshop outputs and conducted analysis following codesign workshops and interviews.

  • IAG, Indian Community Centre – contacted stakeholders, investigated key demographic features and researched case studies.

  • Agriculture Victoria, Victorian wine strategy drafted engagement plan, outlined work plan and key deadlines.

  • Creative Australia, First Nations First conducted research on the First Peoples arts in Australia.

  • VicHealth, Financial Sustainability Plans – conducted research on the context of regions in Victoria and financial projections of potential revenue streams.

Grace previously worked at Frontier Economics in London as an Intern. There she focused on regulation in the telecoms and competition industry. She conducted research and analysis on the broadcasting markets in two Asian countries, analysed raw data and prepared slide decks, quality assured complex models and drafted RFI responses to the European Commission. 

Grace has also interned at an investment management firm, Downing LLP, where she rationalised and cleaned data on prospective clients.


First Class Honours Degree in Economics, University of Birmingham


Our Partners


Caroline Chernov


A systems change and complexity practitioner, Caroline has participated in disruption, innovation and social and environmental change for over 20 years, having cut her teeth for 10 years in international business. She is passionate about taking on bold reforms and getting under the hood of change aspirations with rigour and discipline mixed with creativity, an open mindset and collaborative practices. She thrives in the unknown with those who have the courage to take on change in ESG complexity. Her advisory work helps organisations build mindsets and muscle for adaption as they tackle complex issues involving environment, social and governance (ESG) factors. This involves getting great at partnering in cross sector collaborations, accessing and blending new forms of finance and resetting strategy and impact reporting for reflexive practice.

Caroline advises across sectors, disciplines and organisational sizes because this mirrors her training and career path through these different environments. She has held leadership and board positions in corporate, university, impact investing, NGO and philanthropy sectors across Australia and the US. She has driven business and social change across a range of organisation sizes from start-ups to multi nationals and has seeded, incubated and spun off a national, social purpose enterprise. Caroline is an active board director and advisor to a range of organisations in Australia, Asia and Europe that tackle gender equity, the arts, poverty and slum renewal, bio medical innovation and impact investing. She Honorary Senior Fellow and graduate of The University of Melbourne and holds an M.B.A. from IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland and a diploma in managing Non Profit Organisations from Harvard University, USA.



Steve Thorne

speCIAL Adviser - Urban Design

Steve Thorne has over 30 years practical experience working in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the UAE, Oman, and China. He has been directly involved in many urban growth area planning strategies, including Melbourne 2030, Horsham 2040, Western Sydney Growth Strategy, the Christchurch Growth Strategy in New Zealand, Baralink Development Plan, and the Midland Development Framework in South Africa, the implementation of large sections of the West Dapto Land Release area in NSW, and the Canning Vale Structure Plan in Western Australia.



Kate Eriksson

speCIAL Adviser - digital

A stalwart of the digital industry, Kate Eriksson’s experience and network spans across some of the most iconic digital businesses in the world such as Google, Facebook, Skype and Twitter. Kate has advised corporate boards of various businesses about how they can drive innovation across multiple industries of government, financial services, telecommunications and media.

With predominant experience in the field of mobile innovation, Kate’s achievements in this area include responsibility for the design and operation of the world’s first mobile Skype, implementing an SMS capability for Twitter, aligning Google location and developing a broker model connecting two billion consumers with internet services.

Described as the matriarch of the AT&T Foundry in Silicon Valley, in her role as Director, Kate was responsible for successfully establishing the business and collaborating with startups, venture capitalists, Stanford University academics and developers.

At PwC Kate was instrumental in the development of programs for driving innovation throughout the broader corporate ecosystem, as well as building new digital experiences and advising on business growth. Having spent seven years working in Asia, Europe, Israel and the US, Kate is passionate about the success of Australian innovation and growth, and the positive impact of technology on a range of social challenges.


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Peter Harris

Special adviser - economics and policy

Peter Harris recently retired as the Chairman of the Productivity Commission. Previously he served as Secretary of the Australian Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, and the Victorian  Government agencies responsible for Sustainability and the Environment, Primary Industries, and Public Transport. He has worked for the Ansett-Air New Zealand aviation group and as a consultant on transport policy. He has also worked in Canada on exchange with the Privy Council Office. His career with the government started with the Department of Overseas Trade and included periods with Treasury, Finance, the Prime Minister’s Department, and Transport. He has also worked in the Prime Minister’s Office, on secondment from the Prime Minister’s Department, as a member of then Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s personal staff. In 2013 he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia.


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Ray Challen

Special adviser - energy and utilities

Ray’s recent professional experience comprises seven years of executive and board leadership roles with the Government of Western Australia. Prior experience comprises 23 years of research and consulting positions across environmental science, natural resource management, economic regulation and public policy.

Since August 2017 Ray has been a member of the governing body of the Economic Regulation Authority of Western Australia which has the principal functions of access regulation for energy and rail infrastructure; licensing of energy businesses; compliance and enforcement for the Western Australian Wholesale Electricity Market; and the independent conduct of economic and policy inquiries for the Western Australian Government.


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Knowles Tivendale

special adviser - transport and planning

Knowles has over 20 years’ experience on strategic planning and transport integration projects for public sector organisations and government departments. He works collaboratively with clients and stakeholders to achieve his vision of developing integrated, efficient and sustainable public transport solutions. In his twelve years as a consultant, and previous ten years in local government, he has led multidisciplinary teams on complex projects:

  • Researching and producing integrated transport plans, strategic frameworks, business cases and options assessments

  • Evaluating transport networks including financial and economic modelling

  • Developing transport network improvement strategies focussed on customer value & wider community benefits

  • Policy development with a focus on creating cities that are vibrant, efficient, productive, sustainable and resilient

  • Working with private sector clients to deliver efficient transport outcomes in Major Activity Centres & Growth Areas.

Knowles currently also lectures on transport, mobility and traffic systems at Monash University and La Trobe University (Bendigo). He is also a Board Director at Good Cycles, a social enterprise focussed on empowering disadvantaged youth through bicycle-based services.


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Richard Gruppetta

special adviser - TRADE

Richard has experience in lead advisory and advocacy roles across industries, representing the Australian Federal Government and at high profile advisory firms providing solutions and advice on turnaround management and Asian business development. He has demonstrated success within Government, Big 4 advisory, Fortune 10 companies, and has extensive experience in dealing in multicultural environments and delivering innovation.

Richard has performed in senior representational business and diplomatic roles requiring sound commercial understanding and delivered innovative solutions with breadth of strategic business insight.

Richard is on the Industry Advisory Board to the Master of International Relations course at Monash University, providing insight and advice around diplomacy, government, international relations and on commercial diplomacy.


Mario D’Elia

special adviser - Infrastructure financing

Mario is a very experienced strategic, commercial and financial advisor across a wide range of industries, project types and sizes. He has worked for both the private and public sectors in Australia and internationally.

Mario established and led PwC Australia’s infrastructure advisory practice for over 20 years and when in the Public Service he played a significant role in the establishment and development of the Projects and Reform Group within the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance.

In a volatile market, Mario has been and continues to be at the forefront of market changes to allow both the private and public sectors to achieve the best outcomes for all parties.


Tim Murray

special adviser - economic modelling

Tim has led a professional career centred on the application of quantitative tools to policy analysis. He has developed and used – and led teams that developed and used – a range of modelling tools including advanced econometrics, machine learning, microsimulation models, general equilibrium models, and a number of custom-built partial equilibrium models.

He started Precision Economics when he left the public service as a Senior Executive at the Australian Government Productivity Commission.

His genuine enthusiasm and love of mathematics, data, economics, and models (which pervades his non-professional life) drives his desire to produce high quality quantitative work which provides insights that would be unavailable otherwise.


Kendrea Pope

special adviser - Local Government

Kendrea Pope has senior executive experience in both state and local government leading policy functions across the portfolios of planning and building, strategic planning, community engagement, strategic land use planning, economic development, regulatory reform and service delivery. 

As a consultant Kendrea Pope has delivered participatory community engagement for local governments developing their long term community visions, strategic planning services, governance advice, audit programs and various organisational reviews including in emergency management, business processes, governance and compliance.