The connections between the health of the environment and economic performance are complex. The health of our land and waters directly supports significant industries including agriculture, food manufacturing, timber production and tourism. Our health, well-being and productivity depends on the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the quality of the recreational and tourism opportunities available to us in our waterways, beaches, parks and so on.
At the same time, the sustainability of the environment depends on the health of the economy; for example, as communities become wealthier their willingness and capacity to improve environmental outcomes tends to rise. Accordingly, addressing the environmental challenges in a context that acknowledges the interdependence of social, environmental and economic outcomes is essential.
Australia's air quality is generally good by international standards. However, densely populated areas can have poor air quality because of motor vehicle emissions, industry, and household activities. Air quality can also be affected by fire, including bushfires, industrial fires and planned burns.
Water quality is fundamental to biodiversity, and to the health of people, animals and the environment. Australia's water quality is negatively affected mostly by salinity, turbidity, nitrogen and phosphorus. However, pH levels, pesticides, heavy metals and temperatures are of increasing concern in some regions.
The development of land for cities and farming has led to a decline in land health in parts of Australia. Many of the environmental challenges facing us are the result of past decisions about land use and land management. A key challenge around land use is making sure farms can keep operating while protecting and enhancing biodiversity and land health.
Team experience includes:
Department of Primary Industries and Environment (Vic) – assisting the Victorian Government with the development of a whole of government food and agriculture into Asia strategy for Victoria
National Water Commission, water quality regulation – a strategic review of the water quality regulatory approvals processes and implementation practices across Australia