Much of the economic and social activity in our society involves organisations. Governance is the means by which organisations are controlled and managed. Governance is important across the private, public and NGO sectors. However, it is particularly important for government given it has the ability to create powerful bodies under law which are often are not subject to the constraints of the market. In a rapidly changing world, governments often need to review the organisations they have created to ensure they are still needed and fit for purpose.
Approaches or models for building better governance differ considerably depending on agency size, complexity, structure and legislative background. Agencies striving for better governance should constantly test and adapt their models to meet changing circumstances.
Some of the basic building blocks that need to be considered when establishing or reviewing governance arrangements are:
clarity of purpose
strong leadership, culture and communication
appropriate governance structures
clear accountability mechanisms, transparency and reporting
working effectively across organisational boundaries
comprehensive risk management, compliance and assurance systems
strategic planning, performance monitoring and evaluation
flexible and evolving principles-based systems.
Team experience includes:
Monash University – Reviewed a joint working model for the University’s research digital support units – eResearch and eSolutions
Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund – conducted an extensive strategic review of GERF’s operations and governance
Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (Vic) – Aligned the Aboriginal Economic Development branch's organisational structure with the pillars and objectives of the Victorian Aboriginal Employment and Economic Strategy
Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources (Vic) – advised on governance, operating model and implementation planning for the establishment of Development Victoria as the Government’s single property development agency
Department of Planning and Community Development (Vic) – governance review of the proposed Metropolitan Planning Authority in line with the Melbourne metropolitan planning strategy
Department of Environment Water Heritage and the Arts (Commonwealth) – an independent review of the future governance of the Murray Darling Basin Authority for the Council of Australian Governments