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First Nations


James van Smeerdijk has more than two decades of experience working on First Nations projects including leading the development of a number of RAPs (or equivalent) at Allen Consulting Group, the Institute of Public Administration (Vic) and PwC, driving the establishment of PwC’s Indigenous Consulting (PIC), leading a series of major thought leadership reports on topics such as Indigenous incarceration, employment, business and health. James was on the advisory board to the Indigenous eye Health Unit at the University of Melbourne for 9 years. He has undertaken First Nations related projects across all Australian states and territories including in education, early childhood, health, human services, aged care, justice, economic development, land, environment, agriculture and the arts.

Since its establishment in 2019, atticusnow has also been engaged in many First Nations related projects. We seek to work collaboratively on projects with a national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consultants with whom we have relationships. In our projects, First Nations consultants typically take the lead on consultation and engagement with First Nations people and communities, as well as contributing to analysis and reports. We have adapted our codesign methodologies for First Nations projects and we have had very positive feedback from clients and participants. We find this collaborative approach both powerful and rewarding.

atticusnow has also undertaken a series of First Nations projects pro-bono or low-bono as part of our community commitment, including for the Ganbina and Native Grains projects below. We also provide mentoring and support to a number of First Nations people.

Team experience includes:

Department of Jobs Skills Industry and Regions (Vic), Albury-Wodonga Aboriginal Community Strategy – development of business cases for three strategic community priorities

City of Melbourne, Aboriginal economic development strategy – development of a strategy for the city to increase employment and economic inclusion for Aboriginal people and businesses

City of Melbourne, First Nations Cultural Precinct – feasibility study on the development of an Indigenous precinct in the City

Native grains Industry roadmap – development of a national Industry R&D roadmap for the establishment of a native grains industry with Indigenous participation and governance

Department of Jobs Precincts and Regions (Vic), Aboriginal economic development strategy – advised on measurement of Aboriginal business outcomes, initial priorities under the strategy as well as on the role of regional hubs and precincts

Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions, Aboriginal Economic Development Unit review – undertook an audit of the team’s structure, capacity, skills and alignment with future strategy

Ganbina, transformation – advised on improved business practices to help it sustainably expand its model of education to employment transition support for Indigenous children and young people