Resources, energy and utilities

Resources, energy and utilities


Australia relies heavily upon its resources wealth to create income and jobs and to fund government services. These resources also need to be managed is a sustainable way for the environment and for communities.

The energy market has evolved rapidly over the last few decades, and regulation , market design and new technology all essential to meeting the challenges of economic growth in a low carbon future.

The key benefits of the resources sector are economic—contribution to exports, gross domestic product (GDP), employment, government revenue, gross state product, investment and new project development. Other benefits include contributions to rural and regional development, technology innovation and environmental research.  

On the other hand, mining can cause environmental degradation, as well as having health, safety and social impacts. Consumption of coal accounts for a major portion of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.

Team experience includes:

Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (Vic) – assisted DELWP in developing an Investment Logic Map (ILM) for an Energy project. This project involved desktop research in preparation for a codesign workshop held with key stakeholders in order to develop the ILM.

Department of Primary Industries (Vic), CarbonNet commercial adviser – a major project advising on the development of a framework for investment in a carbon capture and storage network in the La Trobe Valley to provide the basis for the development of a range of new clean technologies to underpin Victoria’s energy security and economic development.